Christmas Pyjama Party!

I’m feeling like my old self, pretty much.

I can finally breathe out of my nose!! Thank GOODNESS.

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I was also able to start working out again, after 2 and a half weeks.

Still not onto a new routine because I’ve been so busy to lock one down.

But old routine is better than nothing!

This past weekend, Ed and I hosted a friends Chrismas brunch at our house.

It was awesome. Delicious food, great company. I’m lucky to have such good friends!

And friends who let me run around my backyard with their adorable golden doodle, lol.

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Just about 1 week until Christmas (yay!!!!) and, so far, I have not been tempted by too many chocolates/Christmas cookies/treats/etc. I’m sure they’ll come rolling in next week and then constantly until New Years, lol, so I still have to brace myself!

I’m still sticking to my 1 sugary treat a week and, with the exception of last week, it’s going well; I’m proud of myself! I say exception, in regards to last week, because it was mom’s birthday so I obviously had to have a piece of the cheesecake I made her! And I made cookies one day last week to cheer Ed up, because he was having a bad day. So I guess in those 2 cases, I was the bad food enabler, lol. My bad! But Reese’s peanut butter cheesecake, how could I not give that as a gift??


Anywho, Ed, Alex & company are doing a year challenge in a group together, me included. For 1 year, we’re all going to try to change our bodies for the better. Stronger, lose a bit of weight or gain, depending on muscle weight, and lessen our body fat percentage. So hopefully with Ed on that, I can finally get him to stop buying Doritos! lol

So far no luck, lol, but he had a rough week at work, so that’s okay. I feel him on that. But after this week, no excuses!

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Anyway, our second annual Christmas party is this weekend!

Last year was Ugly Christmas Sweater themed and this year — Christmas Pyjama Party! Fun!!

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I wasn’t going to have a party because it’s a lot of work, especially after I’ve been sick for a few weeks, but I don’t get to see my friends a lot, so I thought, why not?? And my house is all warm and cozy for Christmas, so it’s begging for a party!

Going to try to keep the party snacks on the healthy side this year, though.

It’s way too easy to eat junk food when you’re among friends. Also, junk food is way cheaper than healthy food, so it’s easy to just by 10 bags of chips for $15. But maybe we’ll spend a little more and have a little less food. We’re thinking lots of veggies, a few light skewers (ex. prosciutto, cherry tomatoes, bocconcini, and basil — yum! This has been a big hit in the past), and maybe some whole grain nachos/pita with some healthy dips and our home made salsa.

Keeping it healthy for the sake of being healthy, since everyone will be faced with so many unhealthy options in the next few weeks. I mean, it’s Christmas time! We can indulge, but if I can be a tiny source of health by keeping our snacks light & on the healthy side, then all the better! Also, being the host means we get stuck with all the left overs. So if we keep it healthy, I won’t feel bad for eating the left overs because they’ll be good for us!

P.S. I planned my sugar treat for this week, last week! lol… I was sucked in by consumerism placement in the grocery store. I was walking to the meat section and BAM right in a huge display, these little devils, for only $2.00 (see… cheap junk food!):


Little Debbie Cakes! OMG. I am going to have these tomorrow because I’m sure someone will bring some sugary treats to the party, so tomorrow is my sugary treat day. And if no one brings sugary treats to our party, then I’ll have two of these! lol… I was also hit by nostalgia with these because mom used to by these for us when we were young, also at Easter, AND the Little Debbie chocolate rice krispie things for our lunches at school sometimes. I can’t wait!! They’re like a cupcake sandwich covered in icing WHO DOESN’T WANT THAT? Okay, probably just me. But that’s okay, more for me!! lol

One more week until Christmas, AH! Believe it or not, I’m not ready!!!! lol… A few more gifts to get. Going to try to relax the next few weeks & savor the holidays!

Anyway, have a happy, happy, happy weekend, everyone!

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Jessica 🙂


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