
Image result for yoga gif

Man, I wish yoga could be my journey, as in yoga classes. I can do it at home for sure. Ed & I are still keepin’ up the yoga together once or twice a week. However, I would love to go to classes because I think that is how you really grow, with the help of a yoga instructor/teacher.


I mean, I could do the Groupon surfing thing. Take all the yoga classes a Groupon offers at a discounted rate and then when my Groupon runs out, try another studio, lol. I know many people who have done that. But I’d like to find one place that clicks with me.

Also, I would love to do yoga before work, but most yoga studios open at 9am… It seems no one wants to do yoga 5:30-6:30am like me!

It’s supposed to be good for starting your day, so I don’t know why you can’t get classes that early – there are other fitness classes that early.

For what I want, physically and time wise, right now, working out at home is still the solution for me, though. I go back and forth between joining a gym but I know it’d be a waste of money and I have a lot of great equipment at home. Stacey (old roommate) used to go to yoga 3-4 times a week and she looked AMAZING.  And while I do want to practice yoga and get better with time, right now, I’d much rather lift weights, do intervals, do cardio and get stronger THAT way. But man, I’d love working out if it was yoga 4-5 times a week in a class, but that’s just not in my budget.

Example of why an instructor is good, though, not just for yoga, but for any activity: form. To help make sure you’re doing things correctly so you can avoid injury and get the best results from your moves.

That’s why I try to work out in front of a mirror, if I can.

But a week or two ago, I was doing my daily plank before bed. Ed was watching me, and said, “Isn’t a plank supposed to be when your body is totally flat?”

And I was like, WHAT, it is flat!

Then, I positioned myself in front of a mirror and while I still had okay form, it was definitely not as flat as I had thought.

I am happy Ed caught that. Planks are harder for me now, since I was doing them somewhat wrong. So now I have to work a bit harder when I’m planking.

Also, time for a new goal!

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Ed sets his alarm for 4:30am (ouch) and snoozes until his other 5am alarm when he really SHOULD get up, if he wants to make lunch and get to work on time.

But a lot of the times, he gets up at 5:30 and basically runs out of the house without lunch, thus leading him to buy his food for the day.

My goal is to get up, at 4:30am, with Ed, so that he gets up too. He`ll make his lunch, so he`s not rushing, and I`ll get up to work out.

I know that is tres optimiste of me and I`ll probably tell you, come Monday, I slept in until my normal 5:30am mark, lol.

At first, I had the excuse that Stacey (old roommate) and Andrew (current roommate) were in the room next to my workout room. It would be so rude of me to work out and wake them up in that way.

But after fully cleaning the basement, hey – maybe I can start working out down there.

Honestly, the benefit of working out for me in the morning is so good. I`ve just never done it THAT early. But I just have to think to myself, all of the things I could do after work, without having to work out first. Because when I come home from work, Ed and I talk about our days, we eat dinner, I work out, I shower, etc etc. And before you know it, it`s 8pm and it`s bed in an hour and there`s not much time for hobbies, to read, etc.

Anyway, big talk, I know. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.

So we’ll see if I can get up at 4:30 to work out.

Have a great week, everyone!!

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Jessica 🙂



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